Show All What is the ticker symbol and stock exchange that NCR Atleos trades on? NCR Atleos’ ticker symbol is NATL and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) When does NCR Atleos’ fiscal year end? Annually on December 31st When is NCR Atleos’ Annual General Meeting (AGM)? To be determined When did NCR Atleos’ go public/spin off? October 17, 2023 When and where was NCR Atleos’ incorporated? NCR Atleos is incorporated in Maryland. Where is NCR Atleos’ headquarters? Atlanta, GA How can I access NCR Atleos’ latest SEC filings? NCR Atleos’ latest SEC filing can be found here within the NCR Atleos’ investor relations page and here on the website Where can I submit proxy-related questions? Please use the contact form found here.
What is the ticker symbol and stock exchange that NCR Atleos trades on? NCR Atleos’ ticker symbol is NATL and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) When does NCR Atleos’ fiscal year end? Annually on December 31st When is NCR Atleos’ Annual General Meeting (AGM)? To be determined When did NCR Atleos’ go public/spin off? October 17, 2023 When and where was NCR Atleos’ incorporated? NCR Atleos is incorporated in Maryland. Where is NCR Atleos’ headquarters? Atlanta, GA How can I access NCR Atleos’ latest SEC filings? NCR Atleos’ latest SEC filing can be found here within the NCR Atleos’ investor relations page and here on the website Where can I submit proxy-related questions? Please use the contact form found here.